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Suggested Reading

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Books at the Wellcome Collection


Where possible, a link to an open access or PDF version has been added below.

Selected books on the history of British pharmacy:


Adams, J and Forbes, S (2015) The Syon Abbey Herbal: The Last Monastic Herbal in England, c. AD 1517. London: AMCD.


Anderson, SC (2005). Making Medicines: A Brief History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals. London: Pharmaceutical Press.


Anderson, SC (2021) Pharmacy and Professionalization in the British Empire. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.


Anderson, SC (2024) Pharmacopoeias, Drug Regulation, and Empires: Making Medicines Official in Britain’s Imperial World, 1618–1968. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.


Burnby, JGL (1983) A Study of the English Apothecary from 1660 to 1760. London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine.


Cartwright, AC (2015) The British Pharmacopoeia, 1864 to 2014. Farnham, Surrey.


Cartwright, AC and Armstrong, NA (2020) A History of the Medicines we Take: From Ancient Times to Present Day. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Books.


Chapman, S (1974) Jesse Boot of Boots the Chemists. London: Hodder and Stoughton.


Chakrabarti, P (2014) Medicine and Empire 1600-1960. Bloomsbury Academic.


Church, R and Tansey, EM (2007) Burroughs Wellcome & Co.: Knowledge, Trust, Profit, and the Transformation of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, 1880-1940. Lancaster: Crucible Books.


Crawford, MJ and Gabriel, JM (2019) Drugs on the Page: Pharmacopoeias and Healing Knowledge in the Early Modern Atlantic World. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.


Crellin, JK (1969) Medical Ceramics: A Catalogue of the English and Dutch Collections in the Museum of the Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine.  London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine.


Crellin, JK (2004) A Social History of Medicines in the Twentieth Century: To be Taken Three Times a Day. London: Haworth Press.


Crellin, JK and Scott, JR (1972) Glass and British Pharmacy, 1600-1900: A Survey and Guide to the Wellcome Collection of British Glass. London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine.


Dorner, Z (2020) Merchants of Medicines: The Commerce and Coercion of Health in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Duffin, C, Gardner-Thorpe, C and Moody, RTJ (2007) Geology and Medicine: Historical Connections. Bath: Geological Society of London.


Francia, S and Stobart, A (2014) Critical Approaches to the History of Western Herbal Medicine: From Classical Antiquity to the Early Modern Period. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 


Gänger, S (2021) A Singular Remedy: Cinchona Across the Atlantic world, 1751-1820. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Grainger, H (2003) An Apothecary’s Tale. Hoddesdon: Noble Books.


Griggs, B. (1997) Green Pharmacy: The History and Evolution of Western Herbal Medicine. Rochester. VT: Healing Arts Press.


Hammond, V (1998) Pack Up Your Medicines: An Account of the Work of Pharmacists in the Services During the Second World War. Southport: Purnvic Books.


Holloway, SWF (1991) Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1841 to 1991: A Political and Social History. London: Pharmaceutical Press. 


Homan, P, Hudson, B and Rowe, RC (2008) Popular Medicines: An Illustrated History. London: Top of Form

Pharmaceutical Press.


Howards and Sons chemical works, 1797-1897. (ca. 1897) [Pamphlet] City Mills, Stratford, London.


Hudson, B (2006) English Delftware Drug Jars: The Collection of the Museum of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. London: Pharmaceutical Press.


Hudson, B with Boylan, M (2013) The School of Pharmacy, University of London: Medicines, Science and Society, 1842-2012. London: Academic Press. ​


Hudson, B (2020) 100 Years (1919-2019): Cardiff University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Cardiff.


Humphries, A (2017) English Delftware Apothecary Jars and their Contents: The Victor Hoffbrand Collection. Oakeley Books.


Hunting, P. (1998) A History of the Society of Apothecaries. London: Society of Apothecaries.


Jeffreys, D (2004) Aspirin: The Remarkable Story of a Wonder Drug. London: Bloosmbury.


Jenner, MSR and Wallis, P eds (2007) Medicine and the Market in England and its Colonies, c.1450-c.1850. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


Mackintosh, A (2013) The Patent Medicines Industry in Georgian England: Constructing the Market by the Potency of Print. London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Matthews, LG (1962) History of Pharmacy in Britain. London: Livingstone.


Maehle, AH (1999) Drugs on trial: Experimental pharmacology and therapeutic innovation in the eighteenth century. Rodopi.


Morson, A (1997) Operative Chymist: Thomas Morson and his Company. Amsterdam: Rodopi.


Oakeley, H (2024) Modern Medicines from Plants: Botanical Histories of Some of Modern Medicine’s Most Important Drugs. Abingdon: CRC Press.


Poynter, FNL (1965) Evolution of Pharmacy in Britain. London: Pitman Medical.


Richmond, L, Stevenson, J and Turton A (2003) The Pharmaceutical Industry: A guide to Historical Records. Aldershot: Ashgate. 


Robinson, CW (1983) Twentieth Century Druggist: Memoirs. Beverley: Galen Press. 


Shellard, E. J. (1980) A history of British pharmacognosy, 1842-1980. Bound reprint of articles from the from the Pharmaceutical Journal (London).


Schiebinger, L (2004) Plants and empire: Colonial bioprospecting in the Atlantic world. Harvard University Press.


Slinn, J (1984) A History of May & Baker 1834-1984. Cambridge: Hobsons Limited.


Slinn, J (1989) Pills and Pharmaceuticals: A.H. Cox & Co. Limited 1839-1989. Barnstaple: Arthur H. & Cox.


Sneader, W (1985) Drug Discovery: The Evolution of Modern Medicines. Chichester: John Wiley.


Sonnedecker, G (1976). Kremer's and Urdang's History of Pharmacy, Fourth Edition. Madison, Wisconsin: American Institute of the History of Pharmacy. 


Stebbings, C (2018) Tax, Medicines and the Law: From Quackery to Pharmacy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Stephens, M (2010) The Dawn of Drug Safety. Winchester: George Mann Publications.


Stobart, A (2016) Household Medicine in Seventeenth-Century England. London: Bloomsbury.


Stockwell, C (1988) Nature's Pharmacy: A History of Plants and Healing. London: Century. 


Tallis, N and Arnold-Foster, K (1991) Pharmacy History: A Pictorial Record. Photographs from the Museum of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. London: Pharmaceutical Press. [Limited Access]


Trease, GE (1964). Pharmacy in History. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox.


Tweedale, G (1990). At the Sign of the Plough: Allen and Hanburys and the British Pharmaceutical Industry 1715-1990. London: John Murray.


Walker, K and Nesbitt, M (2019) Just the Tonic: A Natural History of Tonic Water. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [Cinchona and quinine]

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